SHI Signal and TDI System worst case scenario

Adopted from Woody CCI system which believes that the FXSniper CCI will give both entry and exit signal, so the SHI Signal and TDI System also comes with that feature. SHI Signal and TDI System comes with built in entry and exit system. On this example I am going to show you the worst case when the exit signal ended with loss but we have another position which doubled the profit.

shi-tdi-system-worst case

On the chart above, we go Long after blue dot and TDI cross over, but the price did not go up further. Only single green candle and then it going down quite far. OK for example on our Long position we've taken on the first signal it should get about 32 pips but, maybe you hold your position and wait until you see the red dot appear. And when the red dot appear, say it you close your Long position with minus (just for example).


Then, do not stop here. We have to prepare our self to trade the next signal. Red dot appear on the top and TDI cross over give us Sell signal and as you see the price goes down nicely for about 120 pips in advanced.

The idea of this post is that both Woody CCI and this SHI-TDI system already comes with built in entry and exit. Don't worry about the result on a single position. As long as you trade any signals, you will end up with huge profits. But please train yourself in demo account first before jump into real. Every method need to be learned and trained.


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